April 14, 2010

So we joined the american website, In which you create little jobs or Gigs that you are prepared to do for $5. We posted the gig “I will make you a 1 minute youtube video” and it has proved extremely popular. We’ve been going for 3 weeks now and at time of writing have 9 in a cue.

I really enjoy making these, though most are adverts for Self improvement DVDs or Start up websites, we’ve tried to put a little EsquireFILM spin on each one and creating little sketch out of it. It’s also lead to us meeting new people and companies that are interested in ordering more from us and paying more than the $5s.

Check out some of our favourites and if you want something done for $5 maybe check us out at

Thanks for checking


The Boy Who Cried Wolf

March 3, 2010

Received news yesterday that we didn’t win the overall contest for Paranormal Activity,instead a Most deserving short called ‘The Heebie Jeebies’ by  David Byant was hand picked by Oren Peli to head up the shorts. (check out his youtube channel)

However fret not we are still on the DVD.

I had a brain wave today also in which if i’m right ‘Normal Activity’ should be liable for an IMDB page….Hmmm. I’ll send them an email.

and now the main event: We have for you our latest improvised Short ‘The Boy who cried wolf” in which Timmy is struck by evil but does anyone actually care?

hope you enjoy




March 1, 2010

So This is our First real entry and so I figured we would set it off with a BANG and post some amazingly exciting news, probably the most amazingly exciting news we’ll ever post.

Awhile back we made a parody of the movie “Paranormal Activity” which can be seen here>

Now that’s not the amazingly exciting news, the Amazing exciting news is that back in January i entered a 3 minute version of it into’s Paranormal Activity Competition and have since been One of Ten Nominated!!!!

The Competition was to be included on the UK DVD release of Paranormal Activity with the grand winner being chosen by the director of Paranormal Activity , Oren Peli, himself and getting a little introduction.

Obviously We are both VERY excited by this, the idea that our little bellies will be on DVDs around the country is bewildering at best, but a great way to kick off 2010 none the less.

Our three minute version can be seen here

and if your interested in seeing the other entries you can at preparetobescared youtube channel here

Thanks for all your interest



January 28, 2010

Dear World,

This be a blog, Our blog for all things EsquireFILM. Which is basically when ever something excited happens or we make a new video we shall place it on here. And it will be brilliant!

Thats all for now, stay safe.
